University of Kentucky Housing Contract – What Parents and Students Need to Know Before Signing
Each school year, many parents and students are unpleasantly surprised to learn some of the terms of UK’s Housing contract AFTER signing up to live in university housing. So, what exactly do parents and students need to know BEFORE signing? What’s in the UK Housing...
Living on Campus vs. Off Campus at UK
Are you headed to UK and debating the important decision of whether to live on campus or off campus? Like most things in life, there are pros and cons to both. Let’s explore some of them together! Cost You may think that living off campus is more expensive, but the...
Metronet vs Spectrum – Which is better around UK campus?
Why are more and more UK students in Lexington rejecting traditional cable internet service provider Spectrum and jumping on board with fiber-optic internet service provider Metronet? The short answer is better speed and better customer service. What Makes Metronet’s...
When do I need to sign a lease for an apartment at UK for the next school year?
I often get asked this question, and usually reply……“Well, it all depends. “ The “it” in this case is the “When” and that WHEN depends on WHAT type of apartment or housing is being sought. The housing market around UK campus trends in different cycles depending on the...
University of Kentucky Student Housing vs Off-Campus Apartment Living
Looking for affordable UK student housing? You won’t find it on campus—at least not through the University of Kentucky and its new residence halls. Student housing on campus appears attractive, but it does NOT come cheap and it does NOT come without its...
Parking around the University of Kentucky
So, just how ridiculous has parking become around UK campus? The answer to this question is easily found by taking a moment to browse the UK Transportation Services web site (https://www.uky.edu/transportation). There is a dizzying array of permits for UK...